Microsoft Excel: Excel Function for Beginners(6 hours)
Batch 1 : 3rd & 4th Sep (Sat & Sun : 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm)
Batch 2 : 10th & 11th Sep (Sat & Sun : 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm)
Batch 3 : 17th & 18th Sep (Sat & Sun : 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm)
Batch 4 : 24th & 25th Sep (Sat & Sun : 10am - 1pm, 3pm - 6pm)
Microsoft Excel: Excel Function for Beginners
Topics Covered
➱ Getting Started with Excel
➱ Layouts & formatting
➱ Columns & Rows
➱ Learn how to work on a spreadsheet
➱ Transform a spreadsheet
➱ Alignment & Spacing
Target Audience
➱ Beginner level users
➱ No prior knowledge required
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